
7th Association's 2011 Sports Festival

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7th Association's 2011 Sports Festival
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Association sports festival of the WGZ Bank, Muenster

On June 18, 2011, the association of GAD, RWGV, WGZ BANK, WGZ BANK Luxembourg S.A. and WL BANK in Muenster held its 7th sports festival.

The association's 2011 sports festival was the top event of the year for all employees and their families and friends. The motto of the event was: A sport for everyone and a party for all.

1,500 guests experienced an event-filled summer day that offered a wide variety of sports, games and fun along with interesting competitions, which moved everyone to participate. In the evening, a DJ from WDR set the right mood for the association's party.

ROEDER set up a 12Eck 30M large tent for the main tent and a MEGA TERZ 8M party tent, which was used for accreditation during the day and converted into a lounge in the evenings. In addition, twelve Highlight 5M party tents were set up at the respective sports fields.

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